eagles rock partners AG
Höschgasse 25
8008 Zürich
Mail: bpietrus@eaglesrockpartners.com
Tel: +41 79 699 3065
Swiss audit License –
Individual - # 101 090
Company - # 505 212
Service offering (including international support)
Audit services
•Ordinary audit
•Limited statutory examination
•Capital increase and capital reduction reporting
•Expert opinions
•Internal controls testing / SOX support
Consulting and advisory
•Management functions (interim) - Backup CFO, Controller
•Implementation of new accounting standards
•Preparation of year end financial statements – consolidated and stand alone
•Internal reporting to parent company
•Documentation and Implementation the internal control system ("IKS") and ongoing adjustments of the processes
•Transition - IFRS, US GAAP, Swiss GAAP FER and Swiss OR financial information
•Data Analytics – Identify opportunities to create value
•Fraud/ Forensic procedures
Transaction-related support
•Simulation of step plans
•Supporting formation and restructuring of branches and subsidiaries
•Coaching of shared service center employees
•Independent Board of Director member (Swiss representative)
Fiduciary services, Human Resources & Payroll
•Financial Accounting
•Personnel accounting and administration
•Tax clarification for legal entities, tax planning, tax optimization, tax correspondence
•Withholding tax, source tax and VAT declarations

Service offering (including international support)
Consulting, advisory and interim management
•Interim Management in finance roles
•Implementation of new accounting standards
•Preparation of year end financial statements
•Internal reporting to parent company
•Documentation and Implementation the internal control system ("IKS") and ongoing adjustments of the processes
•Transition - IFRS, US GAAP, Swiss GAAP FER and Swiss OR financial information
•Data Analytics – Identify opportunities to create value
•Fraud/ Forensic procedures
•Independent Board of Director member (Swiss representative)
Transaction-related support
•Simulation of step plans
•Supporting formation and restructuring of branches and subsidiaries
•Coaching of shared service center employees
Fiduciary services, Human Resources & Payroll
•Financial Accounting
•Payroll accounting and administration
•Tax clarification for legal entities, tax planning, tax optimization, tax correspondence
•Withholding tax, source tax and VAT declarations
Audit services (Swiss and US CPA licenses)
•Ordinary audit
•Limited statutory examination
•Capital increase and capital reduction reporting
•Expert opinions
•Internal controls testing / SOX support
• Equal pay support and certification

Dienstleistungen (auch international)
Beratung, Consulting und interim Management
• Interim Management im Finanzbereich
•Implementierung Rechnungslegungsstandards
•Erstellung von Jahresabschlüssen
•Interne Berichterstattung an Muttergesellschaft
•Einführung internes Kontrollsystem („IKS“) und laufende Anpassungen der Prozesse
•Überleitungen - IFRS, US GAAP , Swiss GAAP FER
•Data Analytics
•Forensische Untersuchungen
•Unabhängiger Verwaltungsrat
Transaktionsbezogene Unterstützung
•Simulation Step-Pläne
•Unterstützung bei der Gründung oder Umstrukturierung von Niederlassungen
•Coaching von Shared Service Center Mitarbeitern
Treuhand und Personaldienstleistungen
•Personalbuchhaltung und -administration
•Steuererklärungen für juristische Personen, Steuerplanung, Steueroptimierung, Steuereinsprachen
•Quellensteuer-, Verrechnungssteuer-, Mehrwertsteuer-Abrechnungen
Revisionen (Zulassung in CH und USA)
•Ordentliche Revision
•Eingeschränkte Revision
•Kapitalerhöhung- und Kapitalherabsetzung
•Spezialprüfungen und Gutachten
•Prüfung IKS /SOX - Unterstützung
•Lohngleichheit Analyse und Prüfung

eagles rock partners provides audit, advisory, consulting, tax and HR services. The founders have a long history with Swiss subsidiaries of international groups as well as Swiss Companies. Focus on your business and let us help you with Swiss compliance aspects. We can add the Swiss touch, if you are operating in a matrix and Shared Service Center environment. We deal with Swiss authorities, auditors and facilitate other transactions (e.g. work permits) in Switzerland.
Combined 30+years exp. in finance and HR
Internal Controls
Due Diligence
BIG 4 Partner
Restructuring & liquidation
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